The Project

Engaged by the program manager, the role was to perform a Program Audit involving the review of the integration function that was due to deliver the webMethods integration components of the program. The audit of the integration function revolved around the structure, roles & responsibilities, capabilities, risks & issues, and delivery model of the team. It also focused on the integrity of the project plan, the delivery capability of the integration team and the off shore integration partner (TCS). The final report and subsequent presentation to the program board was well received, resulting in a significant change of approach in the delivery of integration services for the program moving forward and a cost saving in the region of several £million pounds.


United Utilities – UK

Malcolm’s Role

Quality Assurance / Audit / Roadmap

Project Dates

August 2005 – November 2005

Related Projects
Contact Malcolm

Malcolm is not around right now. But you can send him an email and he'll get back to you, asap.

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